Open House at the Extension Office

The Fort Bend County Extension office will be hosting an Open House at their office at 1402 Band Road in Rosenberg on Monday, January 29 between 10:30 am and 6:30 pm. They are inviting the public to come and go during that time taking a few minutes to learn about Extension work and share insights into how they can best serve Fort Bend County. Are you interested in growing a garden, cooking healthy meals, and raising good kids? Maybe there’s something else related to agriculture and health that you’d like to learn more about. Look no further! Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension Program have educational opportunities for you. The Cooperative Extension System is a unique arrangement between county, state, and federal government to bring science-based education to every community across the country. Fort Bend County is fortunate to have an active Extension program with knowledgeable agents and staff.



