Eggcellent Easter egg hunts happening in the Houston area

Easter egg (KPRC 2/Canva) Hunting for some Easter fun? Here is a list of eggcellent egg hunts happening in the Houston area in April. Easter egg hunt and picnic at George Ranch Historical Park | Saturday, April 16 – “Celebrate Easter weekend with a colossal egg hunt and relaxing family picnic! The Egg Hunt for children 3 & under will begin at 11:00 am at the Davis Mansion. Older children between 4-12 will gather at 1:30 pm at the South Yard for their fun. Bring a blanket and your own lunch to a picnic under a 150 year-old oak or stake your claim at a picnic table near the Line Camp or Ranch House. There will be eggs galore and historical fun all around.” 10215 FM 762 Rd, Richmond, TX, (281) 343-0218,

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