Garden Club visits Mercy Goods

Zach Lambert, owner of Mercy Goods, 501 Morton St. in Richmond, Texas, opened his establishment to the New Century Garden Club for their February meeting. He presented a program on the how and why his non-profit furniture building company came into existence after he and his family relocated to Fort Bend County from the Austin area. The ladies of the club listened, toured, and had many questions on his ability to reach at-risk individuals who just need a helping hand at a turning point in their lives. He compared his method to that of playing cards. Even if one is dealt a bad hand, it is having the skills to play the cards you are dealt that leads to success. Zach partners with LCISD in finding those individuals, a few at a time, and teaches them skills they can use, hopefully as they are furthering their education. His wife is a teacher and is often in touch with students who might benefit from their efforts. His desire is to create a good relationship with the community and less fortunate individuals.

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